Computational Cognitive Science Group at the University of Edinburgh
Bramley Lab is based the school of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences at the University of Edinburgh. We are an interdisciplinary group of cognitive scientists, psychologists, philosophers and computer scientists and one part of a larger Computational Cognitive Science community spanning PPLS and Informatics.
We are interested in understanding the building blocks of human intelligence. In particular, current lab members focus on causal cognition, active learning, generalisation, hypothesis generation, and control. We are part funded by an EPSRC New Investigator Award on Computational Constructivism.
We take a computational approach to studying human cognition and the basis of intelligent behaviour. This typically involves a combination of behavioural experiments with adults and children and building computational models that synthesise humanlike learning, representation and behaviour.
Principal Investigator
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student
MScR Student
MScR student
Affiliated PhD Student
PhD (2019-2023), now Postdoc at Princeton
MScR, PhD, Postdoc (2019-2024), now British Academy Fellow at UCL
PhD (2019-2022), now at DeepMind
Postdoc (2021-2024), now PPLS Chancellor's Fellow at Edinburgh
Postdoc (2021-2023), now Faculty at UNSW
MSc 2020, now Senior Manager at Amazon Alexa
MSc 2020, now PhD student at Glasgow
MSc 2020, now PhD student at McGill
PhD (2020-2024), now Data Scientist at Amazon
Research Associate (2019-2021) now Data Scientist at Tourlane
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Data analyst, New York Times
Data Scientist, Facebook
Director, MPI, Tübingen
Postdoc, Digital Minds Project, Oxford
Postdoc, UNSW, Sydney
Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Assistant Professor, Stanford
Professor, Princeton
Professor, NYU
Research Scientist, Deep Mind
Professor, UCL
Assistant Professor, NYU
Postdoc, Brown University
Postdoc, University of Calfornia, Davis
Data Scientist, BlockScience
Reader, University of Edinburgh
Fellow, University of Goettingen
Professor, Queens, Belfast
Professor, Potsdam University
Senior Lecturer, University of Surrey
Lecturer, University of Bristol
Data Science Lead, Firefly
Professor, Oxford University
Data Scientist, Netflix
Postdoc, University of Warwick
Professor, University of Edinburgh
Professor, NYU
Postdoc, MPI, Berlin
Research Group Leader, MPI, Berlin
Research Group Leader, MPI, Tübingen
Assistant Professor, University College London
Professor, University of Edinburgh
Professor, UCL
Professor, MIT
Professor, Berkeley